
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Raising your vibrational frequency

All forms of matter in the known universe have a frequency at which they vibrate. It is widely accepted that all of the elements in the periodic table emit a certain frequency of energy which can be measured scientifically. Kirlian photography was developed to measure the level of energetic output emitted by sentient beings and other living things. The aura of energy emitted by a freshly-picked plum is vastly more colorful and expansive than that of a piece of pizza. It would follow that the energetic quality of a newborn baby is likely to be much more vibrant than that of a drunken bum on the street. Kirlian cameras are expensive, so this type of quantification is not readily accessible by the general population. However, the vibrational frequency of human beings is something that can be felt by anyone, and is often more obvious than one might expect from something so subtle.

Death represents the lowest possible vibration. It is the absence of energy, of light, of life. From death on up, we find the scale of vibrational frequency and human consciousness can be mapped along that scale. "L. Ron Hubbard devised the "Tone Scale" in 1951 as a tool for auditors. It intends to classify people in a range or scale according to how spiritually alive and how dead a person is, both personally and in their relationships to others. It prescribes auditing procedures to use with a person depending where they are on the scale.

Hubbard expanded on the idea and codified it into 80 increments which he numbered from -40 (total failure) to +40 (serenity of beingness). The full scale appears above. A person chronically focused on death and destruction is at the low end of the tone scale, while a person focused on creativity is at the high end of the scale." (from Wikipedia, )

Psychiatrist and spiritual teacher David R. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness, which is based on psychoanalytic research, is similar to Hubbard's tone scale." This map of consciousness may be accessed by reading his book, "Power vs. Force" (more books by this author here). Essentially it is the same as the tone scale--it measures the psychological component of your vibrational frequency, in the same manner that a Kirlian photograph might measure the visual energy field.

Why should we strive to raise our vibrational frequency?

Because the quality of our lives improves dramatically when we exist at a higher level of consciousness. We are able to transcend the material struggles of life, we begin attracting more loving, peaceful beings into our lives, our health improves dramatically as does our ability to manifest what we need on the material plane. Those who find themselves stuck in a rut, living in poverty, poor health, struggling with addiction and abuse, desperately need to raise their vibration. This is the only way above these issues--any other methods of solving the problems will take them on a lateral course around and around, and eventually right back where they were before. Deepak Chopra wrote, "The solution is not found at the level of the problem. The solution is always love, which is beyond problems." Love is one of the highest vibrations known to man, some even equate love energy with God. Pure love emanates from the heart chakra and is free of ego drama, attachment or expectation. When we raise our consciousness, our ability to love unconditionally deepens naturally. This in turn enables us to BE loved more than we ever thought possible, and there is immense healing in the vibration of love. It is the stuff of miracles, indeed.

How can we raise our consciousness and vibrational frequency?

Here are some of the ways, however, you may discover your own once you learn to recognize where you exist along the scale of consciousness.

fasting, cleansing and purifying the body
gradually moving toward a clean diet with as much organic raw and living food as possible
drinking living water, soaking up living sunlight
abstaining from alcohol and all drugs, including pharmaceutical and recreational (even "organic")
adopting a practice of meditation for the mind and yoga for the body
regular exercise outdoors
avoiding angry, abusive and psychologically unhealthy people and situations
finding your creative self and devoting time to exercising it
listening and dancing to sacred music, avoiding music with negative or violent lyrics
participating in regular group meetings with people devoted to peace and harmony (religious, secular, pagan, whatever your preference)
filling your mind with enlightening imagery such as visionary or devotional art, mandalas, natural scenery, reading inspirational literature
treating your home like a sanctuary, cleaning it lovingly and keeping it free of clutter
treating your body like a temple, feeding it what it needs to thrive and keeping it clean

When you learn to observe your life objectively, you will notice that the people coming into your reality are mirrors of what's going on inside of you. Every person you meet and situation that arises presents an opportunity for you to notice what your vibrational frequency is attracting. If people around you are behaving negatively, examine your own negativity. If people are stealing from you, that may point to your own dishonesty. Like attracts like. Drunken bums don't follow avatars around, the frequencies just don't match up. If you don't want drunken bums around you, stop drinking and they will go away. On the other hand, if you want more conscious, respectful, healthy people in your life, adopt a new way of living and they will find you. If you want to lose weight, stop hanging out with lazy, fat people whose lives revolve around food. Your life will be exactly the way you create it, so you can't complain anymore about how awful it is. Know that you have the power to change it.

Try an experiment for the next month. Practice observing the vibrational quality in the things and people around you. Think about food, water, places you visit, people you know, people you don't know, animals, businesses and products you purchase. Eat something that was just picked from a garden and pay attention to how it feels going into your body. Compare that to some dead, processed, chemically-laden food that you got at the supermarket. As you practice noticing these differences, ask yourself what you really want in life, and speculate on what you could be doing differently every day that could bring you that much closer to living the life you've always dreamed of.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Entering the Fire

From this day forward
I will no longer live in fear
of catching fire
For my heart knows that
In order to radiate light
I must endure the burning.

In the fire lies the source of my power-
The power to claim who I am,
To be free of the mind's trickery,
To open my heart so that
I am both vulnerable and fierce.

By entering the fire
I choose to risk my own identity-
To descend into the darkness
And face what is most fearful
So that I may rise again
As a man and a warrior.

With guts and open eyes
Let me unflinchingly burn
Into a halo of my own healing flame
Until I become a wing, a torch, a promise
To claim this one wild and precious life.

This is my choice, and my prayer....

{Volume 1 of Midwifing the Death of mother}